
class desc.vmec.VMECIO[source]

Performs input from VMEC netCDF files to DESC Equilibrium and vice-versa.


compute_coord_surfaces(equil, vmec_data[, ...])

Compute points on surfaces of constant rho, vartheta for both DESC and VMEC.

compute_theta_coords(lmns, xm, xn, s, ...[, si])

Find theta such that theta + lambda(theta) == theta_star.

load(path[, L, M, N, spectral_indexing, profile])

Load a VMEC netCDF file as an Equilibrium.

plot_vmec_comparison(equil, vmec_data[, Nr, Nt])

Plot a comparison to VMEC flux surfaces.


Read VMEC data from wout NetCDF file.

save(eq, path[, surfs, verbose])

Save an Equilibrium as a netCDF file in the VMEC format.

vmec_interpolate(Cmn, Smn, xm, xn, theta, phi)

Interpolate VMEC data on a flux surface.