
FourierRZToroidalSurface.compute(names, grid=None, params=None, transforms=None, data=None, override_grid=True, **kwargs)Source

Compute the quantity given by name on grid.

  • names (str or array-like of str) – Name(s) of the quantity(s) to compute.

  • grid (Grid, optional) – Grid of coordinates to evaluate at. Defaults to a Linear grid for constant rho surfaces or a Quadrature grid for constant zeta surfaces.

  • params (dict of ndarray) – Parameters from the equilibrium. Defaults to attributes of self.

  • transforms (dict of Transform) – Transforms for R, Z, lambda, etc. Default is to build from grid

  • data (dict of ndarray) – Data computed so far, generally output from other compute functions

  • override_grid (bool) – If True, override the user supplied grid if necessary and use a full resolution grid to compute quantities and then downsample to user requested grid. If False, uses only the user specified grid, which may lead to inaccurate values for surface or volume averages.


data (dict of ndarray) – Computed quantity and intermediate variables.