
CoilSet.compute_Bnormal(surface, eval_grid=None, source_grid=None, params=None, basis='rpz')Source

Compute Bnormal from self on the given surface.

  • surface (Surface or Equilibrium) – Surface to calculate the magnetic field’s Bnormal on. If an Equilibrium is supplied, will use its boundary surface.

  • eval_grid (Grid, optional) – Grid of points on the surface to calculate the Bnormal at, if None defaults to a LinearGrid with twice the surface poloidal and toroidal resolutions points are in surface angular coordinates i.e theta and zeta

  • source_grid (Grid, int or None) – Grid used to discretize MagneticField object if calculating B from biot savart. If an integer, uses that many equally spaced points.

  • params (list or tuple of dict, optional) – parameters to pass to underlying field’s compute_magnetic_field function. If None, uses the default parameters for each field. If a list or tuple, should have one entry for each component field.

  • basis ({"rpz", "xyz"}) – basis for returned coordinates on the surface cylindrical “rpz” by default


  • Bnorm (ndarray) – The normal magnetic field to the surface given, of size grid.num_nodes.

  • coords (ndarray) – the locations (in specified basis) at which the Bnormal was calculated