Command Line Interface

DESC is executed with the following command line syntax:

usage: desc [-h] [-o output_file] [-p] [--guess path] [--gpu] [--numpy]
            [--version] [-q | -v]
            [input_file ...]

Positional Arguments


Path to input file

Named Arguments

-o, --output

Path to output file. If not specified, defaults to <input_name>.output

-p, --plot

Plot results after solver finishes. Give once to show only final solution, twice (eg -pp) to plot both initial and final, and three times (-ppp) to show all iterations.


Path to DESC or VMEC equilibrium for initial guess.

--gpu, -g

Use GPU if available. If more than one are available, selects the GPU with most available memory.


Use numpy backend.Performance will be much slower, and autodiff won’t work but may be useful for debugging.


Display version number and exit.

-q, --quiet

Do not display any progress information.

-v, --verbose

Display detailed progress information. Once to include timing, twice to also show individual iterations.

As an example, the following command will run the ‘SOLOVEV’ input file on a GPU with timing output and save the solution to the file solution.h5:

python -m desc --gpu -vvv -o solution.h5 examples/DESC/SOLOVEV