
class desc.objectives.FixElectronTemperature(eq, target=None, bounds=None, weight=1, normalize=True, normalize_target=True, profile=None, indices=True, name='fixed-electron-temperature')Source

Fixes electron temperature profile coefficients.

  • eq (Equilibrium) – Equilibrium that will be optimized to satisfy the Objective.

  • target ({float, ndarray}, optional) – Target value(s) of the objective. Only used if bounds is None. Must be broadcastable to Objective.dim_f.

  • bounds (tuple of {float, ndarray}, optional) – Lower and upper bounds on the objective. Overrides target. Both bounds must be broadcastable to to Objective.dim_f

  • weight ({float, ndarray}, optional) – Weighting to apply to the Objective, relative to other Objectives. Must be broadcastable to to Objective.dim_f

  • normalize (bool, optional) – Whether to compute the error in physical units or non-dimensionalize.

  • normalize_target (bool, optional) – Whether target and bounds should be normalized before comparing to computed values. If normalize is True and the target is in physical units, this should also be set to True.

  • profile (Profile, optional) – Profile containing the radial modes to evaluate at.

  • indices (ndarray or bool, optional) – indices of the Profile.params array to fix. (e.g. indices corresponding to modes for a PowerSeriesProfile or indices corresponding to knots for a SplineProfile). Must have len(target) = len(weight) = len(indices). If True/False uses all/none of the Profile.params indices.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the objective function.


build([use_jit, verbose])

Build constant arrays.

compute(params[, constants])

Compute fixed electron temperature errors.

compute_scalar(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the scalar form of the objective.

compute_scaled(*args, **kwargs)

Compute and apply weighting and normalization.

compute_scaled_error(*args, **kwargs)

Compute and apply the target/bounds, weighting, and normalization.

compute_unscaled(*args, **kwargs)

Compute the raw value of the objective.


Return a (deep)copy of this object.


Compare equivalence between DESC objects.

grad(*args, **kwargs)

Compute gradient vector of scalar form of the objective wrt x.

hess(*args, **kwargs)

Compute Hessian matrix of scalar form of the objective wrt x.

jac_scaled(*args, **kwargs)

Compute Jacobian matrix of vector form of the objective wrt x.

jac_unscaled(*args, **kwargs)

Compute Jacobian matrix of vector form of the objective wrt x, unweighted.


Apply JIT to compute methods, or re-apply after updating self.

jvp_scaled(v, x[, constants])

Compute Jacobian-vector product of the objective function.

jvp_unscaled(v, x[, constants])

Compute Jacobian-vector product of the objective function.

load(load_from[, file_format])

Initialize from file.

print_value(*args, **kwargs)

Print the value of the objective.

save(file_name[, file_format, file_mode])

Save the object.


Update target values using an Equilibrium.


Return a tuple of args required by this objective from optimizable things.



Lower and upper bounds of the objective.


Whether the transforms have been precomputed (or not).


Constant parameters such as transforms and profiles.


Number of objective equations.


Whether the objective fixes individual parameters (or linear combo).


Whether the objective is a linear function (or nonlinear).


Name of objective (str).


normalizing scale factor.


Whether default "compute" method is a scalar or vector.


Target value(s) of the objective.


Optimizable things that this objective is tied to.


Weighting to apply to the Objective, relative to other Objectives.