
class desc.basis.FourierZernikeBasis(L, M, N, NFP=1, sym=False, spectral_indexing='ansi')Source

3D basis set for analytic functions in a toroidal volume.

Zernike polynomials in the radial & poloidal coordinates, and a Fourier series in the toroidal coordinate.

  • L (int) – Maximum radial resolution. Use L=-1 for default based on M.

  • M (int) – Maximum poloidal resolution.

  • N (int) – Maximum toroidal resolution.

  • NFP (int) – Number of field periods.

  • sym ({'cos', 'sin', False}) –

    • 'cos' for cos(m*t-n*z) symmetry

    • 'sin' for sin(m*t-n*z) symmetry

    • False for no symmetry (Default)

  • spectral_indexing ({'ansi', 'fringe'}) –

    Indexing method, default value = 'ansi'

    For L=0, all methods are equivalent and give a “chevron” shaped basis (only the outer edge of the zernike pyramid of width M). For L>0, the indexing scheme defines order of the basis functions:

    'ansi': ANSI indexing fills in the pyramid with triangles of decreasing size, ending in a triangle shape. For L == M, the traditional ANSI pyramid indexing is recovered. For L>M, adds rows to the bottom of the pyramid, increasing L while keeping M constant, giving a “house” shape.

    'fringe': Fringe indexing fills in the pyramid with chevrons of decreasing size, ending in a diamond shape for L=2*M where the traditional fringe/U of Arizona indexing is recovered. For L > 2*M, adds chevrons to the bottom, making a hexagonal diamond.


change_resolution(L, M, N[, NFP, sym])

Change resolution of the basis to the given resolutions.


Return a (deep)copy of this object.


Compare equivalence between DESC objects.

evaluate(nodes[, derivatives, modes, unique])

Evaluate basis functions at specified nodes.

get_idx([L, M, N, error])

Get the index of the 'modes' array corresponding to given mode numbers.

load(load_from[, file_format])

Initialize from file.

save(file_name[, file_format, file_mode])

Save the object.



Maximum radial resolution.


Maximum poloidal resolution.


Maximum toroidal resolution.


Number of field periods.


Mode numbers [l,m,n].


Total number of modes in the spectral basis.


Type of indexing used for the spectral basis.


{'cos', 'sin', False} Type of symmetry.