
SplineXYZCurve.to_SplineXYZCurve(knots=None, grid=None, method='cubic', name='')

Convert Curve to SplineXYZCurve.

  • knots (ndarray) – arbitrary curve parameter values to use for spline knots, should be an 1D ndarray of same length as the input. (input length in this case is determined by grid argument, since the input coordinates come from Curve.compute(“x”,grid=grid)) If None, defaults to using an equal-arclength angle as the knots If supplied, will be rescaled to lie in [0,2pi]

  • grid (Grid, int or None) – Grid used to evaluate curve coordinates on to fit with SplineXYZCurve. If an integer, uses that many equally spaced points.

  • method (str) – method of interpolation - ‘nearest’: nearest neighbor interpolation - ‘linear’: linear interpolation - ‘cubic’: C1 cubic splines (aka local splines) - ‘cubic2’: C2 cubic splines (aka natural splines) - ‘catmull-rom’: C1 cubic centripetal “tension” splines

  • name (str) – name for this curve


SplineXYZCurve (SplineXYZCurve) – New representation of the curve parameterized by a spline for X,Y,Z.